We help people understand their mind, emotions & behaviors so they can reach their best.

How we do it...

We have created a unique mental fitness program, designed specifically to tackle today's intergenerational challenges. 

With training delivered over 8 modules and supported by our LUME App, participants are able to put theory into action and achieve real positive change.

We convert behaviours into actions that produce results.

The benefit to your employees...

Our clients recognise that LUME equips their people with the life long skills to better understand and manage their mind, emotions and behaviours, resulting in:
Increased perseverance & resilience with renewed self belief
Building and maintaining healthy habits
Increased confidence in receiving and providing feedback
Feeling confident in speaking up when they don’t know something
Ability to beat stress and avoid burnout
Nurturing more meaningful relationships and collaborating better
Managers are better able to deal with colleagues fears and feelings
Being more empathetic and tolerant of others
Better tackle fears and overcome anxieties
A more positive, growth mindset

Problems we help our
clients solve...

Gen Z Stickabilitv & Resilience
The Work / Life Balance Conundrum
Performance In The Midst Of Change & Adversity
Managers Wrestling Tensions Across 5 Generations
Stand out when recruiting and give a great reason to stay

The benefit to your business ...

We'll give specific teams, entire departments or selected individuals lifelong skills in
mental resilience, emotional intelligence, empathy and so much more.
Our customers see:
A more adaptable and resilient
Increased competitive advantage when recruiting
A more empathetic culture
Stickier Gen Z workforce
More time for stretched managers
Happier more engaged employees
Think your employees or teams need this? Speak to us to see how our mental fitness programme transforms how employees turn up in life and at work…
let's talk